The ONLY Person U Cheat Is U


Is there something you want to accomplish?

Is there an area in your life you want to improve? 
Do you want to lose weight? Or get in shape? 

Do you want to break a bad a better a better friend?
Do you desire a better version of U? 
How many important goals in life are typically left unfinished? 
That workout plan, school project, a promise made to a loved one...


Whenever something is left unfinished...


The Only Person “U” Cheat is “U”. 



The Impact of TOPUCU upon Criminal Thinking among Incarcerated Men


Pilot Data Analysis


Personal development

Providing tools for individuals to break bad habits and achieve personal growth.

State Programs (Workforce Development & Education)

Enhancing skills, fostering education, and promoting workforce readiness.

correctional &

re-entry programs

Empowering individuals for successful reintegration into society.

School Systems & Athletics

Mentally conditioning students and athletes for success in academics and sports.


Transforming mindsets for improved professional performance and success.

Faith-Based Entities

Fostering spiritual growth and personal development in diverse religious communities.

Recovery & Addiction services

Supporting individuals on the path to recovery and breaking free from addiction.

the starter program

The FINISHER Program: Develop a Mission Statement, Establish SMART Goals, and Foster True Positive Transformation as FINISHERS

The STARTER Program: 7 Complete Lessons

lesson one: habits

Focus on the three components of habits: Trigger, Routine, and Reward.

Emphasize control over the "Routine" as the manageable aspect of a habit.

Dissect triggers to understand the "Why" behind each habit and develop new routines aligned with goals.

lesson two: motivation

Introduce the "Scales of Motivation" to assess reasons for actions.

Explore External and Internal motivation, advocating living through Internal motivation.

Encourage evaluating and adjusting the motivation formula to progress toward goals.

lesson three: pain

Highlight the role of pain and discomfort in positive transformation.

Emphasize that the pain of change is minor compared to the potential pain of remaining in the current situation.

Encourage embracing discomfort as a crucial part of the journey toward improvement.

lesson Four: the seven e’s

Explain the Seven E’s as the pathway thoughts take in influencing the mind.

Stress the importance of stopping negative thoughts at the "Entrance" and nurturing positive thoughts to the "Enveloped" stage.

Connect thoughts to actions, emphasizing how habits define one's identity.

lesson five: visualization

Emphasize the significance of visualization in achieving goals.

Use the analogy of a puzzle box image to illustrate having a clear picture of the destination.

Stress the difficulty of starting a journey without a clear visualization of the end goal.

lesson six: value of time

Explore the "Value of Time" in the context of transformation.

Advocate making a daily task list and optimizing the available 168 hours each week.

Emphasize that lasting transformation requires time, and effective time use facilitates change.

lesson seven: burn the bridge

Encourage identifying and visualizing challenges preventing change.

Symbolically "burn the bridge" by eliminating obstacles and committing to the future self.

Highlight the importance of unwavering commitment to personal growth and change.

The second part of TOPUCU is the FINISHER Program. Here, we guide you through the process of taking an inventory of your life. We’ll break it down into sections like family, education, health, work and more. This activity leads to the creation of a Personal Mission Statement for your life. We’ll get to the core of who you are and help you lay out specific, positive statements about yourself that will keep you motivated and on track to being the best person you can be each day.

Then we identify specific and attainable SMART Goals for every area of your life. We teach you about four types of time-sensitive goals. These goals become the ultimate key to seeing true positive transformation.


Analyze Areas Of Your Life To Develop A GPS For Your Life:

✓ Family Values

✓ Finances and Work Life

✓ State of Mind,

✓ Spiritual, Mental and Physical Health

Analyze Areas Of Your Life To Develop A GPS For Your Life:

✓ Family Values

✓ Finances and Work Life

✓ State of Mind,

✓ Spiritual, Mental and Physical Health

Develop and Refine A

Mission Statement

Learn How To Create Short-Term, Mid-Term, Long-Term, & Big Hairy Audacious Goals For Every Area Of Your Life:

✓ Family Values

✓ Finances and Work Life

✓ State of Mind,

✓ Spiritual, Mental and Physical Health


Learn How To Create Short-Term, Mid-Term, Long-Term, & Big Hairy Audacious Goals For Every Area Of Your Life:

✓ Family Values

✓ Finances and Work Life

✓ State of Mind,

✓ Spiritual, Mental and Physical Health

identify specific and attainable GOALS for every area of your life

topUcu is trusted by 250,000+ people worldwide


"This program is like no other offered here in Ohio’s prison system. TOPUCU has taught me, in a very short time, how to look inside of myself in order to make permanent and very positive changes. TOPUCU is a powerful and needed program for all."

Robert H.


"TOPUCU gives you that gentle push to start raising the bar. To start seeing yourself as capable and valued. You can do some crazy things if you are willing to put in the time and push through the initial discomfort."

Jesse G, CAD Engineer


"TOPUCU really influences me in my everyday life because before TOPUCU, I didn't have my schedule straight, my grades weren't the best. But, once I got into the program - it really helped me figure things out. I can schedule my day, I prioritize and my grades started getting better. Now I'm living at a 3.6 and it's really nice."

high school sophomore


"When working out now I look at my wristband when I want to stop and it reminds me of the TOPUCU principles and gives me the extra drive to reach my goals ... to be able to do the things I couldn’t do before ... don’t stop. I truly believe this program will help many people change their lives."

john c.